Issue: Issues when accessing network share supporting SMB3 protocol when FRP is installed. Issue: Performance issue observed when performing a regular task to assign User Personal Keys ( UPK) in ePO. Issue: Minor memory leak is detected in the FRP encryption drive (system crash points to SD14 and MfeEEFF.sys). The user is now prevented from creating an EERM (Endpoint Encryption for Removable Media) container that is larger than 2 TB during initialization. Resolution 2: FRP 5.0.9 introduces an improvement. Resolution 1: FRP 5.1.0 introduces an improvement. Issue: Data is inaccessible on a 3-TB encrypted device after you add more than 2 TB of data to the encrypted container. The MfeFfCore User Mode process stops abruptly in certain scenarios. Faulting application name MfeFfCore.exe. FRP inherited rights from the McAfee tray when the Write to file option is used. Issue: CVE-2019-3637 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability.

To upgrade Windows 10 with FRP installed, see KB87550 - How to upgrade the operating system to Windows 10 with File and Removable Media Protection installed. Issue: Windows 10 operating system upgrades fail when FRP is installed. Issue: An encrypted file on a network share enforced with Location-based policy disappears. Issue: (Mac-FRP) USB gets initialized if the user cancels at the last moment. Issue: (Mac-FRP) USB initialization sometimes gets stuck when canceled by the user. NOTE: To view the File and Removable Media Protection Release Notes, go to the Product Documentation site. Customers are advised to upgrade to the latest available version of FRP.

In the ePO Software Manager, only the latest version is available, which is FRP 5.0.9. No issues were resolved with this release.įRP 5.0.2 Repost (build package has been removed from the Product Downloads site.