I’d replace them with a capybara: they can go in wetland biome, and this would make the jaguar no longer the only animal from Latin America. American Beaver - beavers are iconic and well known, but their hardly seen in the biggest zoos. However, there are species that I would change in favor of others. Zoo Tycoon 2 - This is the game that I would change the least out of the five as it does a great job featuring animals that would be expected to be seen in zoos across the world. You can move animals around from one expansion pack to another. There are 130 animals in Zoo Tycoon 2, however for any zt gamers out there, were there any animals that just made you go what? And if there are, what would you replace them with and why? There are alot of animals that the games didn’t add obviously, but I feel like a lot of these choices are sturgeon’s law. There’s already a thread like this on ZT2 Round Table, so I thought that I'd make a version on zoochat.